
Saturday, 15 February 2014

Social Media: Phone vs. Computer

As much as I claim that I want to change, I'm innately resistant to technological progress. I have come to release that there are a certain number of social media sites that I use exclusively on my phone. Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are the main ones. I think part of that probably has to do with the fact that I don't remember my passwords and, at one time, I did think that Instagram was an exclusive phone-only app (oops- my ignorance is showing).

There are a number of reason to use these apps mainly on your phone (convenience being the main one). However, I often have my computer near me and I have NEVER looked at Pinterest on my PC. I am active on Pinterest (although, admittedly, there was a period where I wasn't exactly sure how it worked and had no knowledge of the fact that I had followers.

I have pinned 1000 items, mostly things that I find funny and rarely go back to, DIY projects that I sometimes do, recipes that I sometimes make, and workouts that I sometimes try. I usually just browse the general search topics and rarely look at my followers feed. I'm still learning technology, but my pace is way too slow to keep up with the Jetson's.

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