
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The End is Here! (Maple/Pecha Kucha)

We are winding down and the assignment list is slowly being checked off! Now that the end is very clearly in sight, I'm really seeing the value of the technological skills that I have learned in Mike's class. Even if I'm not a guru, at least now I know more about the full capacity of the internet and I know that it is necessary to keep up with the times. Without the push toward technology from this class, I would not even know where to begin scouring the internet.

I'm excited to do the pecha kucha. I really think it will be a good way to sum up the things that I have learned to do online and with technology and to address the issue of ever-advancing technology.

I'm also really excited about the Maple social network. I have already found value in the community and the groups that I have joined. I have been working on a group project for another class regarding EAL learners and the Maple social EAL group has been a fantastic sources of resources. And that's just one group! I like that it is primarily meant for Manitoba Teachers, but can still connect teachers and resources from all over the world!

Dying, just dying, to get in my own classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate
    I am along the same lines of graciousness in terms of the things I have learnt. I do not feel like a gizmo guru but now I have the confidence to introduce technology into my classroom on a larger scale than I had previously envisioned. I will continue to push my aptitude in technology due to the network I constructed during this class. As a side to the EAL Maple social group, what an amazing format for learning a new language, so much more accessible through technology.
    Regards, Jeremy
